Centru de cercetare și unitate de cazare în Munții Călimani

Robert Vasiluț
as. dr. arh. Silviu Aldea
Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca
Facultatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism

Comentariul autorului:

The objective of the project is to create a space where researchers can study new methods of soil decontamination, fertile soil production by reusing degraded local resources and renaturalizing areas affected by mining. Through its configuration, the building seeks to adapt to a rather complex anthropized site, by dividing it into 3 registers. The volume of the research is located at the base and is distinguished by its opacity, due to the earthen walls that seek to provide the feeling of a building that merge with the land. The intermediate volume hosts the common spaces (restaurant, conference, reception, etc.), represents a continuation of the "base", but is distinguished by an accentuated transparency. Finally, the volume of the accommodation unit seeks to contrast both chromatically and structurally with the base of the building, the assumed intention of this body is to create a sculpture, a volume that suggests the idea of mountain, cottage to mountain. The accommodation unit serves both a tourist purpose and a didactic and educational one. It can host school camps, team buildings where participants get in touch with the activity of the research center, understand the story and outline the destiny of a mountain.