Socialist Modernism in Former Yugoslavia

Projektni tim / Пројектни тим / Project team
arhitekt / архитекта / architect Dumitru Rusu (autor text)
umjetnik / уметник / artist Alla Rusu
Konzultanti / Консултанти / Consultants
Prof. dr. arh. Tamara Nesterov
Fotografije / Фотографије / Photographs
Photo Department B.A.C.U. Association
U izradi publikacijе pomogli su stručnjaci
za očuvanje baštine iz Hrvatske,
Srbije: Prof. dr. Sandra Uskoković, (autor text)
arch. Milan Miodragović

Urednik / Уредник / Editor: Dumitru Rusu
Prevođenje i lektura / Превод и коректура / Translation and proofreading: Tania Petcovici, Domnica Macri
Objavljeno / Објављено / Published 2020

Comentariul autorului:

This album includes valuable socialist modernist landmarks built between the 1950s and the 1980s in former Yugoslavia. The introduction by Prof. Sandra Uskokovic, an analysis of the state of this patrimony by B.A.C.U. Association and the 130 coloured images create a consistent general view of these functionally diverse objects, whose design reflects the regional and national character. The iconic buildings contained in this inventory are the work of remarkable architects.