She graduated from “Ion Mincu” Institute of Architecture (1978) and worked for different design firms, from Proiect București Institute to her own studio, Arhitectural, where she is working at present.
She initiated, collaborated, contributed and carried out several cultural projects at Heritage Association: “Bucovina”, “Roșia Montană”, “Nicolae Porumbescu”, “Romanian Heritage Day”, “Mărțișor”, “Romanian Spring Traditions Exhibition”, “Iași – Peisaj industrial în transformare” (Industrial Landscape in Transformation), “Între blocuri” [Between the Blocks) – urban neighbourhood revitalization, “European Year of Cultural Heritage”, Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards Galas in 2018 and 2019 and others.
She was awarded the Medal of the 1994 Biennial of Architecture in Bucharest for Interior Architecture for her professional activity. She received nominations at the Biennials of Architecture in Bucharest as well as various distinctions and was the recipient of the Bene Merenti Medal by “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Planning in Bucharest.
She organized events and workshops and was producer for architecture films: “Moștenirea”(The Legacy) – documentary in partnership with TVR Cultural; “Roșia Montană, azi” [Roșia Montană Today) – documentary; “Toamna la Voronet” [Autumn at Voroneț); “Povești și legende” [Stories and Legends) – documentary. Book editor for the album Roșia Montană. Masivul Cetate. In memoriam [Roșia Montană. Cetate Massif. In Memoriam); the monography Distileriile SABER - 230 de ani de istorie [SABER Distilleries – 230 Years of History); the album Roșia Montană, azi.