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Agostino Bossi

/ Member of the jury, Interior Architecture, BNA 2023

Agostino BOSSI is a professor of Interior Design, director of Furniture Studies, Interior Architecture and Design programmes (Corso di Laurea in Arredamento, Interno Architettonico e Design) at the Department of Architecture of the University of Naples Federico II. He is Professor Ad Honorem of the Montevideo School of Architecture, Universidad de la República - República Oriental del Uruguay.

He supervises PhD theses in Interior Design and Furnishings at the Polytechnic University in Milan, teaches a master’s degree program in Interior Design at the University in Salamanca and the master’s degree in Interior Architecture at the Polytechnic University in Madrid.

His scientific and academic activities aim at promoting the discipline of interior architecture across Italy and abroad, and developing themes related to industrial design, the handicraft object, the general use object, museum curatorship, and art.